Become a Member

Joining the Ontario Association of Child and Youth Care is essential for anyone interested in the field of child and youth care. Membership gives us the ability to collectively strengthen our profession, paving the way for necessary regulation. By becoming a member, you become a part of a community dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of children, youth and families. We can influence the future of child and youth care together and make a lasting difference in the world

Organizational Membership

Organizational memberships are a keyway to show support for the field of Child & Youth Care and the OACYCs mission for regulation of the profession. They also come with a range of benefits that you can read more about by clicking the read more button.

Welcome to the Ontario Association of Child & Youth Care

The OACYC is dedicated to the professionalization of Child and Youth Care by providing Child and Youth Care Practitioners (CYCPs) with high ethical practice standards, advocating for recognition and growth of the profession, and by supporting the professional development of practitioners, children and youth.


What We Do

Building Stakeholder Partnerships

Advocacy for the Profession

Professional Development

Member Services


Professional Standards

By the Numbers




News Highlights

Whats going on in the world of Child & Youth Care?

Contact us

2 + 6 =

Mailing Address

c/o School of Child and Youth Care
Toronto Metropolitan University
350 Victoria Street
Toronto, ON  M5B 2K3

(416) 621-4340

If you would like to know more about our organization, interested in exploring membership, would like to volunteer, learn more about how you can support our mission or simply have a question, please contact us. We’d be happy to hear from you!